United States: Chautauqua County is to be hit with heat for the next few days, more so in summertime, which is much hotter than the average combined with high relative humidity.
Heat-related deaths and illnesses are prone to happen and, hence, preventable. Still, according to the National Weather Service, more than 1,200 deaths occur in the United States alone due to extreme heat every year. Chautauqua County Health Department has advised people to be mindful and seek for ac venues if necessary.
Chautauqua County Executive – PJ Wendel, Jr. stated, “In the coming days, we will see the highest temperatures so far this year here in Chautauqua County. Please be aware of the impact this heat and humidity can have on you, your loved ones, and your pets, as reported by the official site.
In addition to this, Chautauqua County’s Chief Medical Officer – Michael Faulk MD mentioned, “Extreme heat is one of the most potentially dangerous weather conditions. Multiple days of extreme heat is much harder on the body than just one day.”
Further, Faulk said, “New Yorkers’ bodies are not accustomed to long periods of extreme heat, which could trigger a heat-related illness. These illnesses are on a spectrum and may range from heat cramps to heat exhaustion up to heat stroke, which is a true medical emergency. It is critically important to stay cool and hydrated and know the symptoms of heat-related illnesses. Infants and older individuals and those with complex medical needs, as well as people who work outdoors, are at greatest risk.”
What precautions must be followed?
- Wear appropriate clothing. Wear comfy light gear minus the accessories, and choose clothes that aren’t tightly fitted and aren’t black.
- Stay cool indoors. This is only possible if you spend most of your time in an air-conditioned environment or if the place where you are going has a good air conditioning system. In case your home is not fitted with an air conditioning unit, visit a shopping mall/store or a library—even a few hours would have an effect on the body’s uptake of cooler air once one goes back into the outside environment. Fans can be helpful in providing comfort to the body but may not offer protective relief in temperatures that cause heat stroke and heat exhaustion, which is about 100 degrees Fahrenheit and above. This method is very effective because when the fan is run over the body, especially with the assistance of a cool mist from a spray bottle or damp wash cloth, when the body is still wet after either taking a cool shower or bath, the body experiences immediate cooling. Try to avoid using your stove and oven frequently. They release heat and use them in the cooler hours of the day. In case you do not have access to air conditioning at home, then you might consider using any available fans, especially during the middle of the day, with the fans positioned at the upper stories to suck the hot air out.
- Schedule outdoor activities carefully. Avoid outdoor exercises in very hot hours of the day, and if possible, make sure that working out is done early in the morning or at night. I mean, take your break in the shade to give your body some chance to recuperate. If one has to work in hot, that is, during extreme heat, it is important that one takes enough fluids.
- Wear sunscreen. Its causes include burning the skin by overly exposing it to UV rays, altering the skin’s ability to thermoregulation, and it may cause dehydration. If you have to step out to avoid sunburn, wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses and apply sunscreen with at least SPF 15 for about half an hour before stepping out into the sun. It is also important to reapply it to the surface as often as needed in the directions provided in the product package.
- Drink plenty of fluids. Even if you have not exercised, drink water or other fluids that are needed by the body. The way of thinking is – Do not wait until you are thirsty; go and take water. If you have a restriction to the amount of fluid you can take or you are on water pills, consult your doctor about how much fluid you should take during the hot weather.
- Avoid sipping very sweet or sparkling beverages. These actually cause you to be involved in the process of losing more body fluid.
- Replace salt and minerals. Sweating heavily has the effect of washing out the body of salt and mineral content, which have to be replaced. A sports drink is useful as it can replenish the lost fluids and the salts and minerals that are lost in sweat. If you are a patient with restricted intake of salt or a diabetic, hypertensive, or any chronic ailment, abstaining from a sports drink or taking salt tablets is advisable.
- Keep your pets hydrated. Ensure that the animals are offered sufficient quantities of water and that this is done early in the day so that the accidents that come with high temperatures do not befall your pets.
- Your local weather forecast should report when there is a high heat warning.
- It is important to know the signs and symptoms of mild conditions such as heat cramps and heat exhaustion, how to recognize them, and how to assess a person suffering from them. Dehydration and heat stress, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and heat injuries are experienced when the body is unable to dissipate the heat. While with normal weather, the body has its own ways of cooling down, especially through sweating, the same might not be possible during instances of extreme heat. In these cases, one notices his/her body is hot, and the level of elevated heat outruns the capacity of the human body to radiate the heat away. This can lead to the disintegration of these organs and other essential organs in the body, such as the brain.
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