Unexpected Signs of Suicidal Thoughts

Unexpected Signs of Suicidal Thoughts
Unexpected Signs of Suicidal Thoughts. Credit | Getty images

United States: When you think about someone having thoughts of hurting themselves, you might picture them feeling very sad or alone. Suicidal thoughts can make people feel really down or uncaring, and this sadness can lead to them lying in bed or feeling pain. It’s important to remember that these feelings can happen to anyone, and there is help available.

As reported by  Buzzfeed, there’s another indicator of these horror suicidal thoughts that may be unexpected or confusing at first: a person with a mental health condition who you wake up one day and he is very jovial and happy. At first glance, this may appear to be a positive, but it can be very worrying indeed.

How can being an outwardly happy and carefree individual be a warning sign for suicide?

Here’s the gist: If a person with a mental health issue begins to act happy or even seem indifferent all of the sudden, they might be planning to kill themselves. As a result, they feel relieved by two things: what is it like not to be in pain soon, and the reality that they never have to continue arguing with themselves about that decision again.

To this point and for this one breaking the cycle can mean only one thing: dying.

This, we have to come to terms with, suicidal behavior as being a health problem, and a very painful one at that, says Doreen Marshall, who is mainly the vice president of mission engagement which is mainly at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

“However, the subjects who plan suicide might also have ambivalent feelings about the way they would like to live or die.” “Ideas of how one might stop suffering can be accompanied by the same feeling as when sickness is eradicated.”

Visual Representation.

But there’s also another reason that can be lurking here. “It is also possible that even if they are seized with the decision emotionally, they put on a facade of how they do not feel, in order to deceive relatives, friends and even mental health workers about the fact that their Intention is to die,” added Dellaquila, who is actually an associate therapist at Gateway to Solutions in New York City. “This is why it is really very extremely important that we do not stop assessing patient for suicide when it appears that their mental health is improving.”

Also, people who are suicidal are mainly dealing with some like different brain chemistry that puts them in a dark place with a tunnel vision and plus that intense level of emotional pain can be blinding.

For example, their brain functions differently in the terms of judgement concentration and how they see the world problem solving etc., Marshall said.

But there’s got a line to be a line, right? And how do we know that a person’s happier attitude is a sign they plan of hurting themselves, versus just that they’re having a. better day? Or versus the ups and the energy that mania entails in the bipolar disorder