New research challenges pre-operative fasting norms for cardiac catheterization, advocating for a shift towards selective fasting practices based on patient risk factors. ...

EPA's 3 billion dollar initiative drives nationwide lead pipe replacement, emphasizing public health urgency, bipartisan support, and ongoing projects for safer water infrastructure. ...

Florida abortion clinics prepare for surge in demand and logistical hurdles as state's six-week ban approaches, while advocates rally for legislative reform and voter engagement ...

The Guttmacher Institute's report underscores the normalization of abortion in the United States, highlighting demographic trends and implications for reproductive health policies. ...

Heart health significantly influences cognitive function in middle-aged Black women, prompting potential interventions to reduce dementia risk and disparities. ...

The study underscores the significance of timely surgical intervention in senior cases to alleviate pitfalls associated with exigency procedures. ...

USDA mandates testing for interstate dairy cattle amid avian flu concerns, aiming to curb disease spread and safeguard the livestock industry ...

Financial strain from cancer diagnoses underscores the urgent need for accessible healthcare, paid leave, and employer support, experts asserts ...

Middle-aged people are more susceptible to A-Fib, which is a fatal heart rhythm disorder as per the latest findings of a study based on a decade of research; among the younger patients below age of thirty, the highest death rate ...

What should definitely be mentioned in favor of a diet low in FODMAPs or low in carbohydrates but high in fiber is the improvement of the situations with IBS, which can provide a practical solution to conventional medications. ...