Study reveals thousands of women in restrictive abortion jurisdictions resort to mail-order abortion pills, sparking legal and healthcare debates. ...

Study warns of THC exposure risk to infants via breast milk from cannabis-using mothers, emphasizing the need for caution and further research. ...

Mindfulness-oriented recovery enhancement shows promise in improving treatment outcomes for opioid addiction, with further research needed to optimize its implementation. ...

Scientists have linked that individualities with two clones of the APOE4 gene parade a distinct inheritable form of Alzheimer's complaint, potentially reshaping exploration and treatment approaches. ...

Equinox introduces Optimize, a high-end wellness membership, featuring personalized programs and elite coaching, amidst strategic expansion efforts. ...

EPA's 3 billion dollar initiative drives nationwide lead pipe replacement, emphasizing public health urgency, bipartisan support, and ongoing projects for safer water infrastructure. ...

Florida abortion clinics prepare for surge in demand and logistical hurdles as state's six-week ban approaches, while advocates rally for legislative reform and voter engagement ...

The Guttmacher Institute's report underscores the normalization of abortion in the United States, highlighting demographic trends and implications for reproductive health policies. ...

Heart health significantly influences cognitive function in middle-aged Black women, prompting potential interventions to reduce dementia risk and disparities. ...

The study underscores the significance of timely surgical intervention in senior cases to alleviate pitfalls associated with exigency procedures. ...